Lewis Black Has A Succinct Message For Trump Supporters: ‘You’re Going To Go To Hell’

Donald Trump and his supporters aren’t too fond of Hillary Clinton’s “basket of deplorables” comment. Then again, considering the inherent double standard many critics have demonstrated while ridiculing her (and that one Trump fan who punched a 69-year-old woman in the face), perhaps there’s more to it than Republicans and conservatives would like to admit. Either way comedian Lewis Black doesn’t really care, for as he told Late Night host Seth Meyers on Wednesday, something very specific will happen to anyone who willingly votes for Trump whenever they reach the afterlife.

When asked if he “had a message for Trump supporters,” the former Daily Show correspondent and Nightly Show panelist quipped, “Oh yeah!”:

“I’m saying this as a friend. If you vote for Donald Trump, you’re going to go to hell. I know this because God told me. He calls me. He has my hotline. Every time he talks to Mike Huckabee, he calls me up in order to calm down.”

Black’s bluntness notwithstanding, he and Meyers also spent much of the interview discussing their news watching habits and whether or not Trump’s candidacy has made comedians’ jobs easier. Regarding the latter, Black vehemently disagreed: “The news is funny! All you have to do is go, ‘tah dah!’ How do you make fun of something that’s already funny? How do you make it funnier?” Meyers agreed, saying that Trump was “genuinely funny.”

However, the best bit concerned Black’s story about his father seeing Trump Tower for the first time. After looking at the building for a moment, he turned to his comedian son and said, “This is, I think, what Rome looked like just before the fall.”

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