We Finally Meet Wong In ‘Doctor Strange’

One of the big question marks for Marvel fans about Doctor Strange is Wong. Over the years, the character introduced as the good doctor’s inscrutable manservant has changed quite a bit, mostly thanks to the fact that Marvel realized having an inscrutable manservant really shouldn’t have been a thing, even in the ’60s. We know Wong’s in the movie, and in fact was brought back thanks to complaints of whitewashing, but what is he going to do in the movie?

We only get a brief look at Benedict Wong as, uh, Wong, but it looks like Wong is less a butler this go-round and more of a counselor who keeps Strange’s ego in check. He also doesn’t seem to be much of a fan of the good doctor, at least at first, which we assume is because of Steve’s total lack of social skills and overwhelming arrogance. If we’re remotely sticking to the comics, he’s not much of a charmer, after all.

If Benedict Wong looks familiar, by the way, there’s a reason. He’s been in The Martian, on Netflix’s Marco Polo, and on the BBC’s State of Play, among other roles, in addition to a long stage career. We’ll find out just how he fits in with the team come Nov. 4.

(Via The Wrap)