Miley Cyrus Performed A Bob Dylan Cover On ‘Fallon’ And Acknowledged Touslegate

Pop sh*t disturber and noted marijuana enthusiast Miley Cyrus was on the Tonight Show last night and no hair was tousled. That said, Miley did acknowledge Thursday’s controversial interview Jimmy Fallon conducted with White House hopeful Donald Trump during her appearance on the NBC late night staple.

A very busy Miley got up to all sorts of things on Friday’s episode with goofz n shenanigans in steady supply. Miley and Fallon engaged in a friendly game of “Phone Booth” on the program. (Complete with a number of folks you may not want to be trapped in a phone booth with.)

The host was treated to an Ashtanga yoga lesson from Miley. The two parties appear to be at different flexibility levels.

Miley chatted a bit about Blake Shelton and Adam Levine are “actually insane” in their roles as coaches on The Voice.

That’s all well and good and entertaining, but odds are you’re here for Miley’s Roots-aided cover of Bob Dylan’s “Baby, I’m in the Mood for You.” As you might expect, Miley does a quality job taking the tune out for a spin, but it’s her comments during the performance that are generating a similar level of attention.

“There is nowhere I would rather be than in New York City playing this song with The Roots, and being on Jimmy Fallon with our host, who is always so much fun, except when you’re Donald Trump. And then don’t even think about messing with my hair, I’m serious.”

Give the performance a gander for yourself. Heck, if you’ve watched all these clips, you’ve pretty much watched the bulk of the episode.

(Via Consequence of Sound)