File this under “not a big surprise.”
Bruce Springsteen is not a fan of Republican Presidential nominee Donald J. Trump. I know, right? Who saw that coming? Trump is a New York dude, Springsteen is a Jersey dude. Those kinds of dudes always seem to get along. Not this time, though, I guess.
In a recent interview with Rolling Stone, the Boss, who is out promoting his soon-to-be-released autobiography Born to Run, threw down some heavy criticisms of the Donald. Taking a cue from Bono, who earlier this week said Trump “is potentially the worst idea that ever happened to America, potentially,” Springsteen didn’t hold back when asked about Trump and the idea of a Trump presidency.
“Well, you know, the republic is under siege by a moron, basically. The whole thing is tragic. Without overstating it, it’s a tragedy for our democracy. When you start talking about elections being rigged, you’re pushing people beyond democratic governance. And it’s a very, very dangerous thing to do. Once you let those genies out of the bottle, they don’t go back in so easy, if they go back in at all.”
The Boss also expressed disbelief and sadness in the views Trump has championed and like a lot of us, was amazed that Trump wouldn’t even disavow noted Ku Klux Klan leader David Duke, who has repeatedly endorsed the controversial candidate. “Those are things that are obviously beyond the pale for any previous political candidate,” Springsteen said. “It would sink your candidacy immediately.”
Cue Hillary Clinton.
Speaking of the former Secretary of State, current Democratic nominee for President and recent guest on Funny or Die’s Between Two Ferns, she received a rather subdued endorsement from Springsteen, who said she “would be a very good president.”
Springsteen has been noticeably absent from the political action as of late, a change of course for the musician who has been active and out on the trail during past elections. Asked whether or not the reason for his absence was due to a realization in the limits of his reach and influence, New Jersey’s favorite son did acknowledge the “limited amount of impact” he has, but added that he hasn’t given up by any means. He said, “I don’t think people go to musicians for their political points of view. I think your political point of view is circumstances and then how you were nurtured and brought up.”
So, does that mean we can cross off the idea of Springsteen stumping for Clinton? “It’s worth giving a shot when it’s the only thing you have,” Springsteen said.
We’ll take that as a “maybe.”
(Via Rolling Stone)