Oh boy. Have at it internet world. https://t.co/D0wKxioNzC
— Derek Tyson (@DerekJTyson) September 25, 2016
Oh no. This is the fear of everyone who has tried to field a punt or a kickoff in their backyard or at a park. Someone standing behind the end zone during Saturday’s LSU vs. Auburn game tried to catch a kickoff that went out of bounds. Instead of hauling it in, it hit her square in the face. If you’re anywhere in the vicinity of this game, please get this poor person an ice pack, because getting Marcia Brady’d like this has to hurt.
At least Marcia only took a pass to the nose. This woman got a kickoff to the face and ended up looking like she writhed on the ground in pain.
Actually, maybe she didn’t get hurt all that bad. The woman who got hit in the face with the football took to Twitter and is happy to report that she’s ok. Her name is Ashley Ward, she works for Auburn, and she doesn’t seem like she’s too shaken up by the whole thing.
I'm good tho https://t.co/q85Fsy2WXk
— ashley (@AshLaWard) September 25, 2016
It doesn’t even look like she’s injured. Someone tweeted a picture of themselves with Ashley, and she’s all smiles. Well, assuming this was taken after she took a football to the grill. Even if it’s not, she’s apparently doing ok, which is awesome.
Here's Ashley, the girl who got it in the face with the kickoff. She's a great sport and is ok. #LSU pic.twitter.com/fmSEUc43YE
— Jacques Doucet (@JacquesDoucet) September 25, 2016
Kudos to Ashley, because if this happened to me, I’d absolutely leave the game, put a bag of frozen peas on my face, and never go within 100 feet of a football ever again.
UPDATE: We got a close-up of what happened to Ashley, and the fact that she’s not hurt at all is kind of a miracle.
Every single camera angle possible will make it look like this really hurt.