Poor Jack Sparrow, he just wants to drink rum and act dainty, but he’ll never be able to thanks to all of the hijinx he’s gotten into over the years. Thankfully, this 5th chapter of the Pirates of the Caribbean saga has some polite spooks searching for the mustachioed and bejeweled captain, so at least he has that going for him.
And yes, before you rush to IMDB, that’s Javier Bardem as the oddly soothing ghost pirate who (probably) wants Jack Sparrow’s head on a spike. Let’s all take a moment to think about how Bardem plays a horrifyingly polite bad guy really well… Done? Okay! Now let’s discuss who’s behind Pirates no. 5: Jeff Nathanson wrote it, and also wrote Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull. He loves long titles. It was directed by Joachim Ronning and Espen Sandberg and most importantly, this Pirates outing will have Paul McCartney likely playing an old, drunk pirate just like Keith Richards before him. He’ll probably do it better in a shorter amount of time, too (that was a Beatles vs. Rolling Stones joke).
Reports have come out as early as 2014 placing the release of the ridiculously long-titled Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Men Tell No Tales on July 7th, 2017. This means we’re just over eight months away from the first Pirates movie since 2011.