Anderson Silva’s Son May Have Just Revealed That Silva Vs. Georges St-Pierre Is Happening In December

Could this actually be happening? Anderson Silva’s son just released this cryptic Instagram post alluding to the matchup MMA fans have been asking for since roughly 2009 — Anderson Silva vs. Georges St-Pierre. This is the big one. The superfight to end all superfights. And everything adds up, too: GSP told us he’s fighting for his legacy now, and wants interesting fights. UFC 206 is this December in Toronto.

This makes sense. This could actually be happening…

Here’s what GSP said to us last month:

“I’m 35 years old. I want to choose the best fight, the most exciting fight and the fight that elevates me that will make people remember me forever. The guys I need to fight for that, I need to take into consideration.”

One of those fighters is Anderson Silva, who has said he’ll meet GSP at whatever weight he wants over the years. Before GSP “retired,” he was avoiding the move up to 185, but now it seems like the Canadian superstar just wants to bang, bro. Anderson, of course, is ready to go anytime, anywhere, and what better place than Canada when GSP makes his glorious return to the cage?

Needless to say, 2016 has been good to fight fans. I can’t wait for Christmas month.