FYI, Radiohead Guitarist Jonny Greenwood Is Not Holed Up In A Brazilian Hotel Waiting For The World To End

As you may have heard, recent reports suggest that Radiohead guitarist Jonny Greenwood is holed up in a hotel in brazil waiting for the world to end on 12/21, as the Mayans famously prophesied.

Reports Pitchfork:

According to Brazilian news website Folha de Sao Paulo (via the Daily Mail), Greenwood is staying in “a self-sufficient guest-house” in the countryside, near the city of São Luíz do Paraitinga. The city’s Tourism Minister, Eduardo de Oliveira Coelho, told Folha de Sao Paulo that Greenwood arrived in early December, and that other band members would be joining him soon. He said Greenwood would offer free classes to Brazilian youth and extend his stay if the apocalypse didn’t happen.

The owner of the hotel even told Folha de Sa Paulo, “The reason why he’s here is to get away, because hotels like this preserve the privacy of guests and he does not want publicity,” according to the Daily Mail.

Meanwhile, Courtyard management, the band’s management firm, insists that Greenwood isn’t even in Brazil. Go figure.

Frankly, I have to give props to Greenwood for selecting an excellent place to watch the world burn. Plenty of good drugs and young, beautiful hookers with impossibly great asses in Brazil. I’d be having a good ole time too, I think.