Bryan Cranston Teases That A Familiar Character Will Show Up In ‘Better Call Saul’ Next Season


Bryan Cranston doesn’t miss playing Walter White, he told a crowd on Thursday night at the Treaty Oaks Distillery in Dripping Springs, Texas, a town just west of Austin. A stop on his current book tour, the actor enthusiastically shared stories from his autobiography A Life In Parts, which chronicles his life through the different roles he’s taken over the course of his career.

While the audience Q&A was noticeably absent any questions about whether or not he actually left a signed copy of his book in an airport bookstore, he was asked about his connection to the role of Walter White, and whether or not Breaking Bad’s antihero would pop up on the prequel/spinoff Better Call Saul. Cranston started his response by saying that, despite how much he loved doing playing the character, he’s a big believer in letting things go. When elaborating, he explained that he’d “rather have fans go ‘Oh, I miss that, I miss you, I miss the show, I miss the relationships,’ than to have fans go ‘Oh, God, is that show still on the air?'”

When it came to Better Call Saul, however, Cranston mentioned that he had visited the set in while in Albuquerque, New Mexico just two days earlier, and after a hug-filled reunion with the show’s crew — most of whom also worked on Breaking Bad — he started feeling a bit nostalgic. “I told Vince [Gilligan], if you want me to be on the show, I’ll be there in a second.” While he acknowledged the difficulty in pulling a Walter White cameo off, given Better Call Saul’s timeline, he expressed confidence that Gilligan and company would be able to make it work.

He also said that, as a fan, he didn’t want anything spoiled for him when he was on set, but he did enthusiastically tease that in the upcoming season, there will be “another new character coming on the show that you will recognize.”

Once members of the audience started shouting out some guesses, Cranston quickly clarified that he wasn’t referring to Gus Fring (Giancarlo Esposito) or Jesse Pinkman (Aaron Paul), eliminating the two most obvious (and talked about) possibilities. While my money’s on the DEA Agent with the crazy mustache, it looks like we’ll have to wait until Better Call Saul’s third season premieres in February 2017 before we’ll find out for sure.