A Young Bullying Victim Gets A Surprise Visit From His Favorite Rapper, Lil Flip

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Lil Flip’s name is one we don’t hear as much as we did at one time when he was teaching the world the way he balled. But, he’s back in the news today and it’s on a very positive note.

The Texas great made a young man named Kyler Davila’s dreams come true by showing up to meet him. Kyler is a student at Carmel Middle School in Colorado Springs, Colorado and he was recently suffered a collapsed lung after being stabbed and bullied over the fact that he can’t wear regular shoes. When his story made the news, he received several pairs of donated kicks, young Kyler made the decision to start collecting shoes for other kids, too, so they wouldn’t be picked on for footwear like he was.

“I had three pairs of shoes donated to me because I was being bullied about my shoes,” Kyler told Fox 21 News, “and I really liked the feeling and I didn’t want other kids to get bullied because of their shoes and I wanted other kids to have that same feeling, so I started collecting them for other kids.”

As it turns out, Lil Flip is Kyler’s favorite rapper — yes, you read that right — and he happened to be in town to perform. He made a surprise visit to the kid’s home and promised to donate a bunch of shoes from his shoe line — yes, Flipper has a shoe line called Clover Footwear — just so Davila can reach his goal of helping as many other schoolchildren as possible.

No one wants to take on bullies, but sometimes people are forced to. Young Kyler’s one of the brave little souls who did and he’s very lucky to have his favorite MC supporting him.