Kate Beckinsale Has Turned Arranging Fruit Into A Vulgar Art Form

In times likes these where everyone is so politically divided, one thing that can always be relied on to unite people of all ages, race, and gender is dick humor. So when Kate Beckinsale visited Seth Meyers on Wednesday night, they discussed not the election — which seems to dominate every late night talk show conversation these days — but her obsession with turning fruit arrangements into penis art. Apparently turning fruit into dicks and balls is something of a hobby of Beckinsale’s, which the Underworld star sometimes documents on her Instagram.

But it goes beyond Instagram, Meyers noted to Beckinsale while holding up a photo of a strategically placed banana, bunch of grapes, and two apples, “This is not a one-off photo.” “No it’s not, I do this quite a lot,” Beckinsale admitted. Meyers continued, “Yeah. You in fact sent us 30 photos today.” And her craft goes way beyond the obvious apples and bananas, as the photos Meyers proceeded to hold up show a wide range of plant-based penises.

Lest anyone think that Beckinsale is just some kind of garden variety (pun intended) pervert, she makes sure to clarify: “I like the fruit version, it’s not like I’m just obsessed with just all people p-penises.” Here are a couple examples of her fruit art on Instagram, as well as Beckinsale dressed up as an actual penis, for some reason.