In September, all four original cast members of the late ’90s and early 2000s NBC comedy Will & Grace began teasing “something big” on social media. Instead of a revival or limited series a la The X-Files and Gilmore Girls, however, what actors Eric McCormack, Debra Messing, Megan Mullally and Sean Hayes were actually talking about was a nearly 10-minute scene dedicated to the 2016 presidential election. Specifically, “Vote Honey” concerned Will Truman (McCormack) and Grade Adler’s (Messing) efforts to convince Karen Walker (Mullally) and Jack McFarland (Hayes) to go out and vote on November 8th.
Needless to say the YouTube video went viral, and now it seems NBC wants to try and make an honest-to-goodness revival happen. At least that’s what sources tell the Hollywood Reporter, which broke the news Thursday that “the network is in talks to reboot the Emmy-winning comedy” with the intended goal of producing “a 10-episode limited series revival.”
Whether or not the reunion happens, well, that remains to be seen. Neither NBC nor Universal Television offered the Hollywood Reporter an official comment on the story, and “no deals are in place with the four key stars or with creators David Kohan and Max Mutchnick.”
Though as Messing put it in an interview following the election video’s release, she would “never say never” to the chance to do a Will & Grace reunion. Plus we all need some more Mullally in our lives, so let’s hope it happens.
(Via the Hollywood Reporter)