These Buffalo Fans Know That Everyone Is Laughing At #BillsMafia

In a sports world full of fans passionate about bad teams, Buffalo Bills fans have stood out in recent years. They’ve branded themselves as a #BillsMafia and raised money for great causes through t-shirt sales. They’ve also drunkenly RKO’d their way through 16 straight seasons of football without a sniff of the postseason.

And now they’ve used that infamy to make a truly outstanding Halloween costume. Deadspin has long been the Internet’s beat reporter on drunken Bills tailgate antics, and these fans decided to prepare their own blog post for the site to chronicle their holiday celebrations.

Deadspin also has video they included where, of course, a fan is slammed into a folding table. Way to stay on brand, guys.

What’s really great about this costume is that it only gets better as the party goes on. Your typical Halloween costume sees the opposite pattern. Wigs get removed and lost throughout the night. Masks are taken off to drink and eat. You get too warm or your feet hurt or you can’t see anymore and you inevitably lose part of the costume.

If you start out as a drunk Bills fan, though, you can only end a Halloween party as a drunker fan more worthy of Internet infamy. This is great work all around and, yes, I’m mad I didn’t think of it first. As a Buffalo native who hasn’t watched a Bills playoff game since elementary school, I’m well aware that it’s always best to make it clear you’re in on the joke. It makes it easier to watch on Sundays, at least.

I really hope these folks have tickets to Sunday’s game against the Patriots. Please, someone give these people tickets. They should roam Orchard Park looking for their brethren, properly framing them in all their glory. Then someone should take a video of it and put it on the internet, creating an infinite spiral of drunken sadness that will obliterate us all.

Have a safe Halloween weekend, Bills fans. Make us proud.

(via Deadspin)