Dancing T-Rex Is Back With A ‘Thriller’ Routine To Make Your Halloween Perfect

Dancer and stage performer Michael Macilwee is making a name for himself not just in the theater community, but because of his videos in which he puts on a T-Rex costume and dances to Broadway classics such as “The Music and the Mirror.” He’s even started a bit of a dancing T-Rex trend, as Sunday night a Denver Broncos cheerleader went viral for dancing dressed up as a T-Rex during a game against the San Diego Chargers.

Since there’s no better time of year than Halloween to wear a T-Rex costume, Macilwee once again called upon his tyrannosaurus alter ego, but doing something a little different this time around. Instead of dancing to a typical Broadway musical number, Macilwee instead led a dance group to Michael Jackson’s 1982 hit “Thriller.” He even has the perfect little arms and everything!

“Thriller” is a timeless creepy classic that still holds up today, nearly 35 years later, but… could it have used more dinosaurs? Being that Macilwee’s video has been viewed nearly 10,000 times in less than 24 hours, my gut is “yes.” On one hand it would be blasphemy to remake “Thriller,” but on the other hand, “Thriller” but with zombie dinosaurs? That’s an idea the internet could get behind.