Nobody Did Halloween Better Than These NBA Players

Ah Halloween, the annual day for people to spend way too much money on costumes that they’ll wear once and then never wear again because you can’t dress up like Deadpool in public.

But still! Halloween is a fun day, especially among NBA players. We already saw the Cleveland Cavaliers do Halloween better than anyone, but there were plenty of other contenders for that crown in the basketball world. That’s even when we include J.R. Smith pulling off a Dead Presidents costume …

… and this young child dressing up like shirtless J.R. Smith. Admittedly, this is not an NBA player, but the person who came up with this costume idea deserves all the praise that we can heap onto them.

Anyway, here’s Paul Pierce dressed as Rick James.

That’s a super good costume! He did this while sitting on the bench, because he’s Paul Pierce and he can get away with doing something like this.

Enes Kanter, meanwhile, decided to spend his Halloween scaring children …

… but only after he carved two amazing pumpkins. One paid homage to his bromance with fellow Thunder big man and recent 100-million dollar man Steven Adams. The other featured a tiny smiley face.

Nick Collison’s Narcos costume proves he is all about that Netflix and chill life.

The two deepest cut costumes (and some of the best) have to be C.J. Miles, who was Quailman from Doug

And Russell Westbrook, who dressed up last week, but it still counts! He’s Joe Dirt, of all things.

But our favorite costume has to go to Chris Bosh, whose NBA career is still a bit up in the air. While that’s sad, he still didn’t let this get in the way of spending some time with his daughter in a Disney-themed costume.

Chris Bosh is forever the best.