Weekend Preview: Merry Christmas!

Well, that’s gonna do it for us this week. This would usually be the place where we give you a handy guide to the TV listings for the weekend, but with Christmas on Tuesday, there is bupkis on that front. I mean, sure, there will be lots of Christmas movies and specials between now and then, and you are welcome to scan your guides to find the ones that most appeal to your particular sensibilities (RELEVANT), but all of the regular shows we list here on Friday afternoon are taking some time off for the holidays.

And speaking of taking some time off for the holidays, as you can imagine, things are gonna be a little slow around these parts over the next week or so (as per presidential decree). There will be some light posting over the coming days, but, for the most part, we’re all going to be doing the same thing as you guys: eating cookies, ripping open presents, drinking too much, watching TV and sleeping. You know, as the Lord intended.

So anyway, from all of us at UPROXX to all of you out there, Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays. Be good to each other. Here’s Patton Oswalt’s NSFW bit on that awful “Christmas Shoes” song.

Photo credit: Shutterstock/WilleeCole