Chris Webber Wins Controversial Inside The NBA “Chariots Of BackFire” Race

There were so many things to love about the Inside the NBA “Chariots of BackFire” Race last night on TNT. Charles Barkley, Shaquille O’Neal, Ernie Johnson, Kenny Smith and Chris Webber all lined up for a football field-sized jaunt that started — and ended — with some disputes we’re sure will continue to be debated by the TNT crew in the weeks and months ahead.

First, “Elevator” Ernie Johnson didn’t even run after he claimed Webber jumped the gun.

Then, after Webber and Kenny pushed away from Shaq — Chuck had long since bowed out — Kenny Smith appeared to have sprinted to a victory. But at the last second, Webber hustled to the tape and ended up beating Kenny by 0.01 seconds.

Mass confusion ensued after the race, as Kenny complained about the ending, Ernie complained about the start, Barkley (probably) complained about the race not being catered, and Webber posed with Shaq draped in an American flag.

Inside the NBA is the best.

Was Webber’s win fair?

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