Mike Dunleavy Banks In Game-Winning 3-Pointer Over The Bucks

The visiting Bulls were trailing 90-88 in Milwaukee with under 10 seconds left, when Mike Dunleavy opened up curling around a pair of screens at the top of the three-point line. Kirk Hinrich passed him the ball, and in one motion, he jacked up a three-pointer. The ball clanked hard off the glass, but ricocheted right through the cylinder to give the Bulls a crazy victory.

Joakim Noah led five different Bulls players in double-figures with 21 points (10-of-15) and 18 rebounds, and Taj Gibson led the Bulls in their celebration with Dunleavy after the game-winner.

Gary Neal led a desultory Bucks team with 17 points in 19 minutes.

[Video via beyondthebuzzercom]

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