Kendrick Perkins Spots Joakim Noah In OKC Locker Room, Says: “Get Your Ass Up Outta Here”

Increasingly, older fans have maligned the chummy relationship between NBA players on opposite teams, especially if those teams are rivals of any sort. That’s why many find the overt antagonism between teams like the Heat and Pacers so refreshing. After tonight’s OKC win over Chicago, a brief showdown between Joakim Noah and Kendrick Perkins in the Thunder locker-room put the buddy-buddy contemporary NBA ethos to the test.

It all started when Noah was invited to the Thunder locker-room by Thabo Sefolosha, and Perkins took offense. Here’s what went down during the brief encounter, as relayed by Daily Thunder/CBS Sports scribe, Royce Young:






And here’s the full conversation between Noah and Perk, as tweeted by Oklahoman beat reporter Anthony Slater:


So Noah — who seems to know everyone and only appears to beef with the “Hollywood” Heat — was kicking it with Thabo and Perk took offense. After Kendrick’s polite, “get your ass outta here” Noah left without incident. And scene.

You see, while Perkins might have only a tenuous grasp of high-level professional basketball, he certainly knows how to keep possible spies out of the Thunder locker-room. That’s probably why he hasn’t been amnestied the last couple summers despite often being unable to dribble while moving. Perk’s always been considered a “good locker-room guy,” which now seems to mean: he’s a good locker-room bouncer.


What do you think of the encounter?

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