Doris Burke Pissed Off Twitter During Her Interview With Kevin Durant

We all know Kevin Durant erupted yet again against the Heat on Wednesday night, but it seems he also set off an ecclesiastical debate after Doris Burke pressed him to unveil himself of his usual diffidence in order to bask in the glow of his own dominance. Except, the only person/entity/force Durant could thank was God and/or Jesus Christ. Burke’s giggle and leading follow-up touched off a bit of a firestorm among the more evangelical Twitter users.

By way of the Oklahoman, comes word that some didn’t take too kindly to the small chuckle Burke gave when KD thanked God and Jesus Christ for his amazing performance both last night and through the first month of 2014:

Listen to Burke’s reaction to the Durant comment. Durant credits God and Jesus Christ for his historic run of play, in which Burke responds with a laugh, seemingly brushing off the notion that a higher power could be the cause for Durant’s play.

And Burke’s not done. She keeps going, replying with “you didn’t have nothing to do with it?,” trying to get Durant to at least take a little credit for laying the league to waste in the past month.

No Durant dice. He still gives props to God.

Some on Twitter responded with rapturous anger at Burke for questioning Durant further after he humbly thanked God and Jesus Christ.








Welp, our favorite A$AP Rocky tune — even though that’s not actually an A$AP Rocky tweet — is “hell” (Santigold‘s chorus is just gorgeous), which is where a lot of people on Twitter think Doris Burke is ending up. Heaven help…er…us her.

(video via ZombieProphet; Tulsa World by way of The Oklahoman)

Was it right to take Burke to task for her behavior?

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