‘Mythbusters’ Wants Your Help For Their Zombie-Themed Episode

Are you a guy like “your”? Then you’re in luck: Discovery Channel’s Mythbusters is doing a zombie-themed episode, which is apparently a series first, and they want YOUR help. We can’t guarantee Kari Byron will read your erotic fan fiction, but yes, Kari will read your erotic fiction. “It’s like a cannonball was released from my loins…”

Mythbusters is doing a zombie episode…We don’t know if there will be guest stars yet. We do know one of the myths being tested is attempting to figure out which weapon is really best for killing a horde of the undead…Also, the guys need your help. Mythbusters is seeking 300 zombie volunteers to help shoot the episode in a few weeks. Check their Twitter account for details. (Via)

Sophias need not apply. The volunteer specifics include:

-You must be 18+ to be considered.
-Arrive in full zombie mode, with makeup and attire – camera ready. NO LOGOS.
-Costumes must have full range of movement, with head and torso clear of any impaled objects or weapons.
-Your costume must allow for the addition of safety gear (helmets, torso padding, etc), so those with impaled objects/weapons will NOT be considered.
-States of decay are fine and encouraged. (Via)

I’m going to sign up, just as soon as I start my zombie-themed punk band, United States of Decay. We only play Green Day’s “Brain Stew” over and over again for two hours. Who’s in?

(Via EW)