Amy Poehler and Adam Scott are out in Sundance right now promoting their new movie, A.C.O.D. (which, for the record, is about “an Adult Child of Divorce who’s never really recovered from the trauma of his parents’ split,” and in which Poehler plays Scott’s step-mother, presumably melting the brains of Parks & Rec viewers and causing brain goo to drip all over their sweaters). As part of this press push they sat down for a joint interview, and when the topic of their dream Mayors of Pawnee came up, Amy had an excellent answer:
Amy, you still haven’t unveiled Pawnee’s mayor yet, have you?
AP: No, we have dreams. […]
AS: We have a couple dream people in mind.
AP: I want Bill Murray to play the mayor, and I just dream about it every night. I whisper it to a bird and then I open the window and the bird flies away. [EW]
Well, yeah. Of course she wants Bill Murray to play the mayor. Everyone wants Bill Murray for everything. Community fans wanted him to play Jeff’s dad, Dan Aykroyd has been begging him to be in a new Ghostbusters for years, and pretty much everyone between the ages of 28-60 — male and female — would like to have him in their wedding party. Understandably so, given his legendary career and the many, many stories about being awesome in the wild. He’s 62 and more in demand than ever.
That doesn’t mean this wouldn’t be fantastic if it happens, though. Because it would. A lot.
Aw, nuts. Now I went and got my hopes up.
Photo credit: Featureflash/Shutterstock