Joakim Noah Needed Tequila To Get Through His GQ Photoshoot

You wouldn’t think when watching his expressive performances for the Bulls, but All-Star center Joakim Noah was a little skittish about appearing in the March issue of Gentleman’s Quarterly. The magazine features LeBron James on the cover, but Noah appeared in the photo spread, and he needed a little liquid courage to get through the ordeal.

“I was a little nervous.” Noah told GQ, by way of the Chicago Tribune. “So I actually had a couple of tequila shots, and it helped me out so much.”


Noah also talks about his role as a villain when he and the Bulls play on the road. Despite his reluctance to be photographed for the magazine, he has no problem dealing with the jeers in opposing arenas:

“When you look at the people all the way at the top of the arena, and they look so small, right?” Noah said. “And they’re just jumping up and down, being like ‘(Expletive) you!’ — there’s nothing better than that.”

Maybe he did a little role playing and the GQ photographer pretended to be a ref from that Kings game?

(Chicago Tribune)

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