Magic Johnson Denies Trying To Buy The Clippers

Earlier today, Yahoo Sports reported that NBA Hall-of-Famer Magic Johnson was looking to possibly purchase the Los Angeles Clippers as many believe the current owner, Donald Sterling, will (hopefully) be forced — if the NBA’s constitutional bylaws allow — to sell his team following his purported recording. Welp, Magic denied the story earlier tonight in a tweet.


While it’s true the Clippers already have an owner, many are hoping the NBA suspends Sterling indefinitely in a schedule press conference Tuesday at 2 p.m. ET. Once that happens, some believe the NBA’s board of governors should force Sterling to finally sell the team under the NBA’s constitutional bylaws. The expediency of dealing with Sterling’s supposed comments cannot be iterated enough and we already highlighted a possible pecuniary argument the NBA’s owners could use to force the sale — though whether they’d avoid a likely lawsuit from the stubborn Sterling is anybody’s guess.

If Sterling does sell, we can’t think of a better owner than Johnson to cleanse the palette of this whole horrific ordeal. The only way Sterling has any chance of avoiding life-long antipathy from fans around the world surviving this story, would be to transfer ownership to the NBA titan prominently involved in the alleged recording of Sterling chastising his then-girlfriend for posting a picture of Johnson on her Instagram.

Will Magic attempt to purchase the Clippers, or was the rumor just that?

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