Official Unveiling Of Nike Hyperdunk 2014

Today Nike officially unveiled the newest addition to their Hyperdunk line with Paul George rocking the kicks in the release, which originated in 2008. After the Hyperdunk 2010, 2012 and 2013, comes the Hyperdunk 2014, continuing to revolutionize the weight and cushioning for a performance basketball shoe.

After a year of research and engineering, Nike paid particular attention to keeping the Hyperdunk lightweight and breathable in the summer months, capable of performing on both indoor and outdoor surfaces without wearing away — something a light-weight sneaker is always striving to avoid.

The upper Hyperfuse is a one-piece that allows both breathability and support with fewer layers than earlier iterations. The Flywire tech along the midsole provides mutability within the sneaker without tearing. A dynamic foam collar hugs the ankle, keeping it tight in the slippery summer.

The Hyperdunk 2014 is available beginning July 16 at and retail stores worldwide.

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