Jimmy Kimmel’s ‘Movie: The Movie: 2V’ Absolutely Nails Being A Sequel

Which is to say it’s not as good as the original but it does have Motion Capture Matt Damon vigorously eating a giant fake sandwich. Kimmel himself put it best when he intro’d the new trailer during last night’s post-Oscars show: “When you have a big success in Hollywood there’s only one thing you can do, and that is cheapen it with a sequel.”

So yeah, this one isn’t remotely as funny/clever/well-imagined as last year’s star-studded inaugural affair — and maybe that’s on purpose as they didn’t even work in Black Hitler — but since I’m already incredibly bored with everything about The Oscars that doesn’t involve Jennifer Lawrence being the best and this Sandra Bullock face (#TeamGoldenGlobesExceptForComedy), this is quite the palate cleanser after a night of Hollywood and the media taking themselves nauseatingly seriously.

You’ll be treated to (teasers, no spoilers) sexy vampire/zombie Armie Hammer, Topher Grace confirming there will be no Topher Grace comeback, armless savant Bryan Cranston, school teacher Brad Cooper screaming “They’re too sexy!,” and your boy C-Tates making a strong argument for a Pacific Rim re-write. Enjoy…

Jimmy Kimmel Live