Watch Anthony Davis Star In This 2013-14 NBA Block Party

If you’re getting tired of all the attention people are heaping on 21-year-old Pelicans forward, Anthony Davis, prepare to be disappointed. The glare of the spotlight will shine even brighter the closer the Brow gets to the MVP level we all agree he’s talented enough to achieve. So lets take a look at his defensive prowess during a sophomore season that saw him lead the league in blocks per game.

Our only gripe with Ant on the defensive side of the ball — aside from his pick-and-role defense, which will improve with more experience — stems from his tendency to thwack the ball out of bounds.

While it’s perhaps unfair we demand so much from such a glorious player who only recently became old enough to buy an alcoholic beverage in the United States, he’s shown the ability to not just block the ball, but keep it in bounds to start a fast break going the other way.

Despite our petty complaints, Davis is a fantastic defender, so revel in his rim protection from this past season:

Will Anthony Davis ever win Defensive Player of the Year?

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