Video: Watch Jeremy Lin Surprise Madame Tussauds Visitors In San Francisco

Carmelo Anthony has a wax figure at Madame Tussauds in mid-town Manhattan, but he never did this. During the unveiling of the Jeremy Lin wax statue at the Madame Tussauds in San Francisco (Lin was born in Torrance, CA and grew up in Palo Alto), Lin stopped by incognito — as a frighteningly realistic statue.

Lin didn’t just get a statue at Madame Tussauds, he got to prank unsuspecting fans, some of whom poked and prodded the new Lakers guard before he eventually broke his cover and raised some heart rates in the process:

It’s easy to get a little numb to all of Jeremy’s social media goofiness, but he’s a class act as far as we’re concerned. He even pranked his mom and uncle.

His popularity has waned since that magical winter/spring in New York, but he’s never stopped being a good guy.

What do you think?

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