Jimmy Fallon And Selena Gomez Stache’d Up And Performed ‘Mario Kart Love Song’ Last Night

Things are coming full circle, folks. Between Selena Gomez stealing our hearts by burning Bieber and spending entire movies in a two piece and Jimmy Fallon’s confessed platonic love for Mario Kart and my own equally nostalgic affection for the game and Stone Temple Pilots’ most lasting hit, this geeky acoustic skit almost feels preordained.

What’s that? It’s not a mushroom and turtle shell-laced cover of “Interstate Love Song”? It’s a cover of Sam Hart’s actual “Mario Kart Love Song”? Well, feels like a missed opportunity, but regardless, it still beats Jaywalking.

At first I called bullsh*t on Fallon’s “I really just wanted to play Mario Kart” nice guy confession to those anonymous teenage girls, but now I’m starting to buy it. Have a feeling his wife played her fair share of multiplay Goldeneye before getting to first base with the old Jimster.

Oh, and Selena as transgendered Wario was a nice touch.

Late Night with Jimmy Fallon