Stringer Bell Almost Got Into A Fight With Liam Gallagher Over A Hat

God willing, in five years, that headline will read “James Bond/Stringer Bell Almost Got Into a Fight with Liam Gallagher Over a Hat, and Then Did Get Into an Actual Brawl, or Row as the Brits Call It, and Now One-Half of the Correct Answer to ‘Who is the Worst Gallagher Brother in Oasis?’ Will Never Fight With James Bond/Stringer Bell Over a Clothing Accessory Again.” But that’s a bit too long…for now.

Apparently you almost got into a fight with Liam Gallagher last week at the NME awards.

Not really. We just had a little exchange of words.

About a bobble hat, I heard.

MY hat, not a bobble hat. It got blown out of proportion, but we kept our hats on, so to speak. It was a good hat, man. I guess he just took against it. He must have thought it looked silly, because he tried to grab it. (Via)

You disappoint me, String. You should have kicked Liam’s ass.

(Via NME)