Keith Olbermann Has a Job Again

Haughty left-wing bloviator Keith Olbermann is going back to work. I’d say he’s going back to TV, but… not really. He’s going to host a show on Current TV, Al Gore’s struggling cable network.

Olbermann will launch a new nightly primetime news and commentary show later this year on the net, which is currently in 60 million U.S. households…

Current TV co-founders Al Gore and Joel Hyatt indicated that hiring Olbermann is the first step in a plan to build a primetime commentary block on the network, a move that presumably will make it more competitive with the major cable news networks. Current TV can use all the help it can get — ratings are so modest they’re not even ranked in Nielsen’s cable charts. [Inside TV]

Current TV is so far off my radar that until today I thought it was just a website/online media company. And this story bores me so much that 90% of my effort in writing it was looking for something more interesting to write about. Really, the only thing that can salvage this is Ben Affleck’s impression of Olbermann. And when you say something like, “the only thing that can salvage this is Ben Affleck,” those are dire straits indeed.