The 6 Best Burns From Jack Black’s Celebrity Roast

The burn unit got together at the Friars Club in New York yesterday to roast Jack Black, whereas it’s usually Black who roasting the pig. There were plenty of one-liners just like that during the event, but there were also some funny ones, too, from the likes of Sarah Silverman, Artie Lange, Bob Saget, and Jeff Ross.

Bob Saget: “Jack Black. That’s what Kim Kardashian does every night.”

Jeff Ross: “Next up Jack is starring in Kung Fu Panda 3, cause he always goes back for thirds. Roger Ebert was going to review that movie but he took the easy way out.”

Jeff Ross, on Bob Saget: “Bob is currently on a stand-up tour of colleges, and it’s just nice to see someone not killing at a school these days.”

Jeff Ross, on other attendees: “What a turnout: Dee Snider, Debbie Harry, Joan Osborne. Last time I saw these three musicians together was in a $1 CD bin.”

Sarah Silverman: “[Jack] prefers to be left alone, which is why he made Nacho Libre.”

Bob Saget, on Sarah Silverman: “Sarah has been like a daughter to me. Never f*cked her.”

The best joke, however, came from commenter “Prick,” who said:

I laughed more at the irony of terri schavio the bulimic who binged and purged to.lose weight then collapsed dying because they took her feeding tube when she wouldn’t feed herself before her accident properly.


(Via EW) (Via the Comic’s Comic)