Continuity Really IS Important In ‘Game Of Thrones’

I cannot tell you how much I appreciate it when a show has great continuity, not just in the big things, but the small. In fact, when the tiny details remain consistent throughout a show, I’m all the more impressed, even when those details often don’t even rate as noticeable. It’s those little things that elevate a good drama until a great drama, and as if we didn’t already know how great Game of Thrones is, there’s a small but consistent detail separated by nearly a full season that a Redditor found that absolutely blows me away. It’s the kind of thing that you’d only notice if you were marathoning Game of Thrones, and it’s the details that hold up during marathon sessions that are the most impressive.

Check out these screen shots. Yes, it’s a little thing, but it’s a little thing with major significance: It means that George R.R. Martin, and the writers of the series care deeply enough about the characters to ensure they remain consistent.

SYMMETRY! Nice find, Reddit.