So you’re in a movie with Katherine Heigl that obviously sucks because it’s a movie with Katherine Heigl and your job is to go around telling people it’s a good movie. What do you do? You bring adorable puppies with you to distract the fact your agent should get flogged for public amusement, that’s what! Susan Sarandon hopped on Late Night With Jimmy Fallon with her two dogs and let them run wild. They were so cute that I totally forgot whey she was on the show in the first place and that’s probably the point.
Overall, it was a pretty typical late night Thursday where the shows seem to be running on steam and heading for the bright light at the end of the tunnel called the weekend. The episodes were mostly by the numbers with Sarandon’s dogs throwing in some moments of spontaneity.
— Snoop Dogg aka “The Man I Refuse To Call Snoop Lion” was doing his thing on David Letterman, trying to make Snoop Lion happen still. Maybe the weed has finally fried his brain (because weed is bad for you, kids!) or maybe Snoop is at that 40 and older moment where all rappers should retire. Or as I call it, the LL Cool J Age. Anyway, here’s his Snoop Lion performance from Letterman. Yes, it’s bad.
— Craig Ferguson is batsh*t crazy and it’s awesome. The show just feels like one guy talking to himself and being as bizarre as he wants to be. On one hand, I’d love if more people got to see him, but part of the appeal is that you watch feeling like the only person who’s watching him talk to you. If anyone can make a 12-minute interview with Zac Efron entertaining it’s Ferguson.
— Anthony Mackie was also on Fallon, trying really hard to be funny and get himself more comedy gigs. They even went into a rendition of the “Jeffersons Theme.” So there’s that.