Kanye West Is Currently Projecting His New Song, ‘New Slaves,’ On Buildings Worldwide

Kanye West may not be a God, but he’s at least as important as a chipped-away Coca-Cola logo from the 1940s. This is currently happening in 10 countries around the world.

Tonight, Kanye West has proven himself an innovator in the art of the album launch. He unveiled a new song and video via projections on buildings across the world. Above is what was projected at the corner of Bedford and N. 7 in Williamsburg, Brooklyn. According to Rap-Up, the song premiered is called “New Slaves.”

Kanye’s website has posted a map of the world, indicating where actions will take place throughout the night in cities throughout the world. Sixty-six projections are involved in the launch. (Via)

If fire or the Antichrist himself isn’t involved, Ye’s SNL performance tomorrow is going to be a disappointment.

(Via Pitchfork)