Here’s Your New Favorite Tyrion Moment On ‘Game Of Thrones’

Joffrey Baratheon: Terrible king, worse replacement father of the bride. And for those of us (i.e. everyone) who can’t get enough of him getting his comeuppance, Tyrion once again (in the face of all new levels of drunkenness) stole tonight’s episode of Game of Thrones with an epic rebuttal of The King’s scheming. Spoiler alert: knife threatening stare down techniques were involved.

Josh will of course be here will your full Game of Thrones recap tomorrow morning, but until then let’s re-live that satisfying moment over and over until way better GIFs are available (I’ll update, swear).

Oh wait, here it is:

King Slayer Tumblr via JK

*Crosses fingers the threat plays out* *Induces two week coma*