Breaking: Handsome Actor To Play Handsome President In Made-For-TV Movie

Killing Kennedy was a bestselling book by Bill O’Reilly that focused on the life and death of John F. Kennedy, who was by all accounts a very handsome man. Nat Geo will be adapting the book into a made-for-TV event later this year, to coincide with the 50th anniversary of Kennedy’s assassination. Based on those two sentences, the casting of JFK was all but predetermined. To recap, the actor in question must be:

  • Handsome
  • Willing to star in a made-for-TV movie

So, yeah. Rob Lowe is playing JFK in this movie. Obviously. Between his ageless good looks and his roles in Drew Peterson: Untouchable (pictured above, about to say literally the greatest line in Lifetime history, “I’m untouchable, bitch”), Prosecuting Casey Anthony, and Behind the Candelabra, how could there have possibly been any doubt? OF COURSE Rob Lowe will be in this movie.

Now the only thing left to do is cast the people tasked with investigating the assassination. Hmm, let’s see. A big unsolved case, tons of suspects, conspiracy theories that go straight to the top? Yup, there’s only one man for this job, too.

NOTE: If you think I wouldn’t watch a Columbo-style series of TV movies where Chris Pratt in character as Andy Dwyer in character as Special Agent Burt Macklin of the FBI investigates notable historical mysteries, you are a completely insane person.