Craig Robinson Details The Inspiration For His ‘Take Your Panties Off’ Song With Snoop Dogg On Conan

Craig Robinson is just a good interview. The man brings his own XL handkerchief and in under three minutes on Conan last night managed to share the most excellent lightening-in-the-bottle moment that led to his “Take Your Panties Off” collaboration with Snoop Dogg, that he’s always “either sweating or about to sweat,” and that incest will be a lot less frowned up in an end-of-the-world situation. I can identify with all of these things in some form or another.

I’m one awesome Craig Robinson thing away from completely mind-erasing that I accidentally caught 75% of the Peeples trailer a couple of weeks back.

Fort Worth, Texas: inspiring awesomely literally songs one waitress at a time.

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