The 'New Yorker' Puts Bert & Ernie On Its Cover To Celebrate The Supreme Court's Gay Marriage Rulings

Well isn’t this just adorable. Seeing as though Sesame Street has in the past refused to term Bert and Ernie as gay partners — instead preferring to call them “best friends” — this may be the closest we ever come to having Bert and Ernie come out, so I’ll take it.

From the New Yorker’s culture blog:

“It’s amazing to witness how attitudes on gay rights have evolved in my lifetime,” said Jack Hunter, the artist behind next week’s cover, “Moment of Joy.” Hunter, who originally submitted his image, unsolicited, to a Tumblr, continued, “This is great for our kids, a moment we can all celebrate.”

Inspired by the cover, the wonderful Bobby Finger has composed a script for the scene…