If you’ll allow, a freestyle, delivered by my rich alter-ego, Jizzion$: “I’m Scrooge McDucking in my pool/Jumping from on high/Don’t got no worries/The bills are stacked high.” Here’s actual me, with a somehow-even-worse rap about my actual life: “My name is Josh and I’m here to say/Do you have any change?”
Inflating your literal worth is a time-honored tradition in music, and Business Week took a look at the worst offenders. They put together an infographic that compares “specific lyrics with data from Forbes’s annual ‘Cash Kings of Hip Hop’ report from the same year the given artist’s net worth-related rap song was released.”
Basically, Pitbull is a goddamn liar.
Check out the whole thing here.
(Via Business Week) (via Getty Image)