‘Where In The World Is Carmen Sandiego?’ Could Be Returning To PBS

(via Getty Image)

So here’s a thing that’s happening: PBS is apparently going to start airing reruns of the old Where in the World Is Carmen Sandiego? game show.

Both PBS’s Tumblr and Carmen Sandiego’s “official Twitter page” (who knew the fictional master thief even HAD her own Twitter account?) have hinted that we’ll be seeing the Sandiego repeats soon.

PBS’s official Tumblr posted a photo of Sandiego’s trademark hat and gloves with the message: “Where in the world did this come from? Stay tuned for something awesome!” That was followed up with a clue: “This is not about new episodes, but will be appreciated by any 90s kid. Stay tuned!” [The Wrap]

Okay, first of all, holy sh*t, there is an official Carmen Sandiego Twitter account, and it has 2,300 followers. What a world. Second of all, the next sentence in the story I blockquoted begins with “Calls to PBS and Rockapella for comment were not immediately returned,” which is a phrase we are not using nearly enough in news stories, in my opinion. (“Officials say the rebels show no signs of surrender, even as the death toll approaches 100. Calls to PBS and Rockapella for comment were not immediately returned.”)

But most importantly, this means you could be flipping through the channels on your TV someday soon, and stumble across a young Joe Biden calling into the show with big news. Never forget.