Syfy Announced A Sharknado Sequel And A Contest To Choose The Title

This was inevitable. After a huge wave of online support, including over half a million tweets during the initial airing, Syfy has announced that they are making a second Sharknado movie.

Syfy’s Executive Vice President, Programming and Original Movies, Thomas Vitale said in a statement: “Every once in a while, there is a perfect storm – on television. The fans are clamoring for a sequel. Or perhaps it will be a prequel. What we can guarantee is that Sharknado 2 will be lots of fun. We’ll be announcing more details very soon. But we didn’t want our fans to worry they wouldn’t get their fill of more shark fin, I mean, fun next year.” [THR]

I’m going to skip over the discussion about whether this is a good idea or not (although you are free to have at it in the comments), because we have more important matters to discuss. Far more important.

Syfy also announced a Twitter contest to name the sequel. Fans will be able to tweet their subtitle to @SyfyMovies using #Sharknado. The network will select the best submission as the sequel’s subtitle.

I think you can all see where I’m headed here.