Sheeeeeeeeeeeit: Clay Davis From 'The Wire' Demonstrates Exactly How Vine Should Be Used

There’s a certain art from to Vine, the six-second video clip service owned by Twitter. Some people got it, and some people don’t, and those who are posting six-second videos of their cats are the reason why Vine nearly crumbled. But then there are those like Gillian Jacobs? She’s got it, turning Vine into an avante-garde art-form for the attention deficit crowd. The guy that’s probably the best at Vine is comedian Will Sasso, who does a lot of celebrity impersonations that are perfect in six-second chunks. If you like Twerking, well, uh, it’s good for that, too. For obvious reasons, Kate Upton is a good person to follow, too, although so far, she’s not very good at it.

But honestly, there’s no better use of Vine than if you’re Isiah Whitlock, Jr., and you’re most famous character is Clay Davis from The Wire, and that character has a catch-phrase that fits perfectly into a six-second chunk, a six-second chunk that you could never get tired of hearing. Loop it, Senator Davis:


Here’s hoping that he devotes his entire Vine account to different variations of the same phrase.

(via Hypervocal)