Guys, This Is Serious: Beyonce Cut Her Hair And People Are Freaking Out!

Guys, guys, GUYS! We have some serious news to report. We’re breaking in regularly scheduled programming [editor’s note: nothing is scheduled] to bring you breaking news that Beyonce cut her hair.

Are you conscious? I know, this is huge news. Beyonce’s golden locks have become iconic and have defined a generation of, um, stuff. Now, the hair is gone and the whole world is coming to an end.

Just look at these freak out tweets and Instagram responses. Because these sad people are what we really came here to see.

And the absolute best of all time:

What do we do now? Where do we go from here? Down is up, up is down and long hair hath become short. Fellas, go ahead and secure your barber shop appointments now because women are going to be flocking to the chair to get like King Beysus in no time.

Now where will us men go to talk about Say Yes To The Dress in peace?! Oh the humanity!

Pic via Instagram