Tom Hanks No Habla Espanol

This video of Tom Hanks dancing with the weather girl on Univision has been everywhere for the last day (including the crash course in Spanish gone wrong. “What? Oh, yes! The solstice! Today is the solstice, that’s right… Yeah, sure, let’s do the weather. Anything but this torturous cacophony of foreign jabber.” He then speaks a language every man knows: dancing with a beautiful woman whose clothes seem to be painted on. Worth it? Worth it.
Incredibly, this clip is only about a quarter of the time he spent on “Despierta America.” I’ve got all four of the clips on the following pages, and I assume they’re pretty enjoyable if you speak Spanish or enjoy watching people try to breach language barriers. Personally, I think the highlight is the cooking segment, but that’s just because I understood some of what was being said. “He said tortilla! I know what that is!”