The Mike and Duane Show remade the iconic music video for the Beastie Boys’ “Sabotage” with some hard-boiled librarians busting a book-stealing syndicate. The end result is almost as cute as the version of “Sabotage” re-enacted by kids. It’s definitely the geekiest “Sabotage” related media I’ve posted since this rap Venn diagram. I consistently regret nothing.
The video stars Anne Duncan as “Story Time,” Stephanie McMurray as “Late Fee,” Cathy Donnelly as “The Techie,” Margaret Threet as “Dewey,” Branka Steinbaugh as “Book Worm,” and Martin Moran as himself. It’s the perfect combination of things I love with things my librarian mom and grandma would only find confusing. The party will have to continue without them. Good men have fought for our right to that sort of thing.
(H/T: Neatorama)