It’s not really surprising to hear Stephen A. Smith call LeBron James “nigga” in the middle of a rant about how LeBron has no heart. Sometimes he forgets he’s supposed to be a sports analyst and flips whatever switch turns him into Bruce Bruce and makes him think you have to say the same sentence five or six times in a row no matter who else is trying to talk. Here’s a clip courtesy of The Basketball Jones of Smith going full-“Denzel Washington yelling at Caucasian Protagonist” on ESPN’s The Skip Bayless Variety Hour:
I love that Skip’s out of context response is IS THERE A WIZARD. That’s pretty much Skip in a nutshell, isn’t it?
I think the two things we should get from this are 1) it’s not a big deal, because Smith was just being colloquial and speaking passionately … LeBron really does need to dig deep and start showing some heart, because he’s unarguably one of the most talented basketball players we’ve ever seen and he should have two or three championships already. Oh, and courtesy of Jimmy Traina, 2) “Anyone who watches that show should be put in a mental institution.”
And in case you’ve never seen it, this is pretty obviously what this clip reminded me of:
All it needed was Jay Crawford making an “LOL you just said that” Sherri Martel face in the background.