Hockey Coach Goes Into Shirtless Rage

After some fights ensued at a hockey game only the crowd cared about, Greg Pankewicz, assistant coach for the Colorado Eagles, got so angry he took off his jacket and threw it onto the ice. He didn’t stop there, however. Either due to the cheering by the crowd or his anger not subsiding, Pankewicz kept going, taking off his clothes (except for his pants, aw shucks!) until he stood there, pissed off and shirtless. Coincidentally, pissed off and shirtless is how I wake up around noon on Sundays when I roll over in bed and bump into your mom. Dammit, not again!

Yes, Pankewicz ended up getting ejected. I think it would have been awkward if he didn’t get kicked out for that ordeal. Pankewicz would have to coach like that for the rest of the game. Who the hell is going to listen to a half-naked man yelling hockey strategies from the side of the ice?

I’d like to reprimand the dumb guy in charge of music who didn’t immediately start playing “I’m Too Sexy” by Right Said Fred as Pankewicz angrily disrobed. It’s right there, and you couldn’t take advantage of it! Poor hustle on your part, music guy.

Shirtless action after the jump.

Via the good people at Off the Bench.