SPOILER ALERT! The Pittsburgh Steelers Will Be In The Dark Knight Rises

As the occasionally creepy uncle at FilmDrunk, I’m usually against posting spoiler images… unless they’re for The Fast and the Furious! *air guitar* But a new batch of what seems like endless images have popped up for The Dark Knight Rises, and wouldn’t you know it? They’re sports related. But since I also respect the desire to to keep some things a secret, I will be vague as to what the photos show, in case you don’t want to look at them.
It turns out that Christopher Nolan and Co. are using Heinz Field and the Pittsburgh Steelers for a big action sequence in the film. Is it a fight scene? A natural disaster? A spontaneous collective belch from Pittsburgh’s female community? You’re going to have to wait for the film to come out to find out. Or you can find out after the jump. It’s your funeral.

Some of the Steelers players, including Ben Roethlisberger and Mike Wallace, are playing members of the Gotham Rogues during a game against the Rapid City Monuments. Batman’s villain du jour in this third and final Nolan installment is Bane, and he blows up Heinz Field as one of what will presumably be many terrorist acts. The Steelers and Heinz Field were chosen because the team’s ownership pulled some strings, but I can only imagine that Roethlisberger’s request for an Anne Hathaway angry love scene was denied.
Feel free to check out the fan video and pictures, which honestly spoil very little.
(Images via Screen Rant.)