The Whole Cast Of ‘Breaking Bad’ Has Been Offered Free Trips To Belize (The Good Kind)

One of the highlights of this Sunday’s Breaking Bad was the tense, hilarious scene between Walt and Saul where they discussed their newfound Hank problem, and what they were going to do about it, which culminated in Saul suggesting that Walt “send him to Belize” to be with Mike. This brings us to two important points: 1) They get AMC in Belize; and 2) Belize is cool as sh*t.

Following Sunday’s episode, the Belize Tourism Board used its Twitter account to post humorous invitations to the “Breaking Bad” actors and characters, asking them to check out the country.

Now it has extended offers to Mr. Gilligan and his cast for each of them to enjoy a four-day, three-night stay in Belize, including airfare, hotel, meals and other activities.

“Many of us are big fans of the show and can’t wait to see what happens over the last six episodes,” the tourism board wrote in its invitation. “While we hope that some of our favorite characters don’t get ‘sent on a trip to Belize’ in the show, we do hope you will take us up on the following offer – we’d like to send all of you on an ACTUAL trip to our country after the season is over. [NY Times]

Wow, I love this story. Almost as much as I love watching BLU-RAY DVDS OF QUALITY SHOWS LIKE BREAKING BAD AND ARCHER while eating A DELICIOUS MEAL FROM POPEYE’S (“LOUISIANA FAST”) and washing it all down with a smooth glass of MAKER’S MARK BOOKER’S PAPPY VAN WINKLE 15 23-YEAR-OLD BOURBON. In fact, the only thing that could make it better would be reading about it on A BRAND NEW MACBOOK that was delivered to my apartment by VIN DIESEL AND PAUL WALKER right before the three of us took our own ALL EXPENSES PAID LUXURY GETAWAY TO BELIZE.

There. That oughta do it.

Also, there’s this, via reddit: